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Course Fees

Basic Riding

$ 525

  • Combine with Road
    Riding Program and save $25!

Road Riding

$ 235

  • Combine with Basic Riding Program and save $25!

Practical Training

$ 25/50

  • $25/hr for instructor only
    $50/hr for bike and instructor

Skill and Road

$ 50+17
  • can be taken 30 days after acquiring your learner’s licence and meeting all qualifications of the Motorcycle Skills Assessment. You will find a date at the bottom of your learner’s licence indicating when you are clear to challenge the Road Test with ICBC
  • Road Test - $50
    License reprint - $17


$ 75
  • The maintenance course is available to students and is designed to educate and bolster the self-confidence of those who would otherwise be concerned about doing their own maintenance using the tool kit provided with their machine and/or basic tools at home.
  • There is a one hour lunch break.

DND/First responders pay $630 on full program only.

Payments can be made by cheque, cash, money order or by e-transfer to If using e-transfer please use "nighthawk"

VERY IMPORTANT – Students for the 2018 riding season must book their own MSA and Road tests through or by phone. We recommend booking your skills test immediately after confirmation you are on course so booking ahead has its benefits!! We are earnestly working towards doing the MSA as part of the course.